House Rules

We hope you will understand the need for us to impose ‘rules’. This is to protect the welfare of our cats –  which is paramount. We want you to relax and enjoy your visit, and if our cats are happy this will only make your visit all the better. By entering Finnegan’s Whiskers you agree to have read and adhere to the following house rules:

  • To keep our cats safe we operate a double door entry system. Please ensure that the front door is closed behind you as you enter the lobby. A member of staff will let you into the main room. When exiting the cafe you will need to be let out by a member of staff. 
  • We ask you to use our hand sanitiser before entering the cafe.
  • Please remove your shoes and wear socks or use the shoe protectors provided. 
  • We ask for you to be mindful that we aim to create a calm environment for both our cats and our customers. No shouting. There will often be new cats adjusting to their environment so please move calmly around the cafe.
  • Please do not pick up the cats. We understand this is very tempting, but we don’t ever want the cats to be forced into interactions against their will. The exception to this is if a cat is attempting to steal your food and you need to move them away.
  • We’d love for you to take photos and tag us on socials, but your flash must be turned off as this can hurt the cat’s eyes.
  • If a cat is sleeping it’s ok to gently stroke them, but please do not intentionally wake them up.
  • Please do not feed the cats. Sometimes they will attempt to steal from your plate or your cup, but this is not to be encouraged as it can upset their tummies.
  • We provide toys for you to play with the cats – they like to chase rather than have toys dangled right in front of their faces. Sometimes they won’t be in the mood to play, and we ask you to respect this.
  • Please don’t bring in any toys or catnip from outside. 
  • Our staff know the cats individually, so please ask us any questions.
  • Cats by nature can be unpredictable and may sometimes scratch or bite. We cannot be held liable for any injuries sustained when interacting with the cats. 
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